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Thank you to the following businesses for supporting the Artists Association of Nantucket. We are grateful for your participation, engagement, and partnership. Your support underscores how integral and important the arts and artists are to the island community.

Business Benefits

We hope you will consider joining AAN as a local partner or business sponsor. For clarification on any of the following benefits, please contact the Development Department at 508.228.0722.

Become a Sponsor

All Level Benefits

Local partners and business sponsors will have their names listed on our website. Platinum, Gold, and Silver Sponsors will have their company logos featured.

All levels will receive one complimentary family membership ($150 value). AAN membership includes a 10% discount on all art classes.

Business Sponsors will be included in social media posts and advertisements. We will promote your business on all of our platforms, including Facebook and Instagram.

  • Spring Sweep

    A great way to kick off the season! With an emphasis on “affordable finds” and the local community, this event kicks off at the Big Gallery with a silent auction and an opening reception on Thursday, April 17. Bidding will continue through Saturday, April 20.

  • Gala

    This annual event is a treasured tradition at AAN. Nantucket’s most prominent art collectors and dedicated donors will gather for a very special evening on July 19.

  • Wet Paint

    Wet Paint 2025 will showcase a live auction of fresh new works. This event is free and open to the public.
    A ticketed dinner follows the auction.

Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Business Member
Website and Annual Report Listing
AAN Family Membership (10% Discount on Classes)
Social Media Promotion
Gala Book Half Page Ad
Gala Book Full Page Ad
Gala Cocktail Party Tickets (2)
Support our community.
Become a Sponsor