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Lisa Matheson

Lisa Matheson

I am a visual artist currently working in oil paint. I was captivated by the beautiful light and landscapes of the island of Nantucket when I first arrived in early 1980’s and it has influenced my life and art ever since. I delight in watching the seasonal changes on the island. I find endless enjoyment in the painting process, from plein air to studio painting. I find that plein air painting and painting from life provide the most enjoyment for me and also the greatest challenge as an artist. I enjoy drawing from the figure as it strengthens my observational skills and keeps them intact. I am concerned with creating mood and atmosphere in my work; using brushwork, color relationships and the play of light to accomplish visual objectives. I often employ an intuitive process to create paintings that fall somewhere between objective and nonrepresentational work.

I have participated in many art residencies, the most recent being a month long sojourn in Venice, Italy. Past residencies included two summers spent at the Sedona summer art colony. I have found traveling and art to be the perfect blend of fun and study and have been fortunate to connect with artists from around the world. I have a BFA from the University of Michigan and have studied under Belinda Wilson of Auckland, New Zealand; Pam Hassler of Memphis, Tennessee and Tim Widener of Birmingham, Michigan. I exhibit my work at the the Cecelia Joyce & Seward Johnson Gallery in Nantucket, Massachusetts.

Current Works for Sale

  • Into the Light
    Into the Light