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Kit Noble

Kit Noble

A Life in Pictures

It’s hard to remember my life before photography. At age twelve I hustled money washing cars to buy my first SLR camera. Loading that first roll of film, a lifetime of adventures unfolded: Learning darkroom photography from a spy in Singapore. Having my hand freeze to a tripod in Fairbanks, Alaska. Chasing a monkey who stole my lens cap in Sumatra, Indonesia. Getting trapped in a shark cage with a shark off the coast of Nantucket and documenting a family’s year-long adventure around the globe.

After a 35-year career of commercial photography in Fairfield County and NYC, I relocated to Nantucket 15 years ago and began photographing and selling fine art photography. While I still do commercial work for select clients, fine art photography has become a true passion of mine.

Artist Statement

I’m often asked, “What is your favorite photograph you’ve ever taken?
My answer is, “The one I’ll take tomorrow.”
It is this mindset that launches me out of bed each morning, my head racing and chasing that next creative image.

Current Works for Sale

  • Cisco Blue
    Cisco Blue