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Gillian Haven

Gillian Haven

Artist Life Member

We live in a shifting world, each of us stitching together our life story from fleeting moments of illumination and grace. Through the practice of painting, Gillian considers this journey.

Gillian Haven’s oil paintings respond to two regions she loves dearly, Nantucket and Western Massachusetts. She is drawn to the silent companionship of the land, the elation of water, the clouds that lift, unexpected openings and the sight of livestock in a field. To paint is to pay attention to a place. She seeks to find the landmarks of the region which are a touchstone amidst change. They have a story and continued relevance that we must not lose.

Gillian is a graduate of Bennington College and studied at St. Martin’s School of Art, London. She has a studio in Pelham, Massachusetts and has been a member of the Artists’ Association since 1976.