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Eileen Pollack

Eileen Pollack

I’m filled with awe when I encounter art that reveals a truth. The truths could be as grand as the human condition or a small observation about color, line or form. The art I relate to most deeply comes from an intuitive place. I like to see the hand of the artist at work and am drawn to imperfection.

I call my work “Paper Narratives.” They are often both enigmatic and at times witty. I’m inspired by many different sources although in particular: folk art, the colors and visual poetry of Milton Avery, the stillness of Vilhelm Hammershoi’s landscapes and interiors, and the quirky compositions of Katherine Bradford.

My interest in art goes back to days at Hunter College in New York were MOMA was my campus. Not so long ago I completed a Master’s Degree in the History of Decorative Art at the New School/Parsons, and many collage courses. Although my titles give insight into what I was thinking, the viewer’s interpretation is as important as my own.

Current Works for Sale

  • Irreplaceable?